柳州市建恒机械有限公司是集工、贸于一体的综合性企业,公司座落在风景秀丽的柳州市,公司一直致力于空气压缩机与汽车空调压缩机检测设备的设计、制造与销售. 主要产品:涡旋式空气压缩机,螺杆式空气压缩机,汽车空调压缩机耐久试验台,汽车空调压缩机线上快速检测台,汽车空调压缩机性能测试台.公司拥有专业工程师、销售员和售后服务人员,形成一支高素质年轻化极富团队创新精神的队伍 。公司始终以“以人为本,科技领先,诚信经营,创知名品牌”为宗旨,一如既往为客户提供可靠的产品,完善的服务,共同发展。欢迎国内外新老客户光临,互利互惠、携手共进! Liuzhou Jianheng Machine Co.Ltd is a multi-functional enterprise which is capable of manufacture and trading. It is located in the beautiful city Liuzhou. The company has been devoting to the design, manufacture and distribution of the Automobile air conditioner compressor testing equipments at all times. Its main products includes: Endurance Test Bed for Automobile air conditioner compressors, Online Rapid Test Bed for Automobile air conditioner compressors, Capacity Test Be... [